Terence’s approach to massage therapy emphasizes slow, firm myofascial compressions, while integrating aspects of Swedish & Thai style massage, trigger point therapy, active muscle release techniques, and relaxation massage. He encourages a ‘client-centred’ approach to massage therapy - where the client is in communication with the practitioner to determine the goals for their own session. He is very open to supporting those with unique sensory needs and is more than happy to adjust lights, sounds, and communication to create a healing environment for every body.

He graduated from the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy (VCMT) in 2021. Since then, Terence has had extensive experience treating clients experiencing headaches, chronic neck & back pain, concussions, car-accident related injury, and running & cycling injuries.

Terence Chuang
Registered Massage Therapist


Thursdays & Fridays

clinic schedule

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