Our naturopathic doctors are highly trained in advanced certifications in IV and Injection therapies which can be used for a variety of health concerns and goals.

Naturopathic IV Therapy

Naturopathic medicine is about getting to the root cause of dysfunction and imbalances in the body. And sometimes, the best way to do that is through IV and injection therapies. 

Each treatment will be determined uniquely for you from our licensed naturopathic physicians. If you are unsure where to start, its best to book an initial visit to review your entire health and then your doctor can advise you to specific treatments as needed.

Intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy delivers vitamins and/or minerals directly into the blood stream. This bypasses our normal route of obtaining nutrients through the food we eat and absorption through the digestive tract. Talk to our Naturopathic Doctors to see if IV therapy might be recommended for you based on your dietary requirements, dietary restrictions, or health condition.

IV Therapies


Come into the visit well hydrated and well fed. Wear comfortable clothes, as well as clothing that allows for access to the areas needing treatment (i.e. bring shorts with you for knee injections). Avoid anti-inflammatory medication for two days before your appointment.

how do I prepare for my visit?

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The appointment time is 30-60 minutes, which includes an assessment and a check-in with the naturopathic doctor. The injections themselves should take no longer than 10-15 minutes, depending on the areas being treated.

how long is the appointment?

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Avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days after the appointment is recommended. Your doctor will review everything to expect after your appointment based on your treatment and area of treatment.

what should I know for afterwards?

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things to know:


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