Repatterning the nervous system's habitual movement maps through gentle touch and movement.

Functional Integration Sessions

Jill Truscott

Functional Integration is the hands-on body work component of The Feldenkrais Method (see Yoga & Movement section for Awareness Through Movement somatic group classes.) It helps people find ease, comfort, groundedness, and adaptability in their body and movement. FI offers concrete ways to develop one's understanding of how they use their body -- in posture, everyday movement, and physical activity -- so that they can work towards greater ease and efficiency, and avoid strain or damage. 

Functional Integration identifies habitual patterns that may be causing strain, tension, or be the underlying cause of injury, and establishes alternatives. The practitioner uses gentle touch to relieve excess tension, bring the client out of dominant habitual patterns, and then introduce new ones. FI creates space for new possibilities to emerge, rather than trying to "fix" a problem by counteracting it. Feldenkrais respects and works with the incredible intelligence of the nervous system as the path towards improvement, seeing the body as a partner, never as an obstacle.

Sessions are done with the client fully clothed, usually lying down, but sometimes in sitting or other positions that facilitate the objectives of the session. The client is an active participant, as the process of establishing new neural patterns is about learning, and the goal is to integrate the new information so that it can be available for the client later on.

About Functional Integration:

About Your Appointment:

Book Your Functional Integration Appointment

  • injury recovery
  • injury prevention
  • chronic tension, chronic pain
  • physical manifestations of stress
  • improving performance (artistic and athletic)
  • cultivating embodied awareness
  • overall wellbeing

functional integration sessions?

what conditions will benefit from


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a glass of Rosé

no. 02


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no. 03


Retro austin yolo organic echo park. Vinyl portland, aesthetic squid deep blue trust fund. Hammock church-key occupy craft low carb. Cardigan sriracha diy raw denim tacos jean shorts mustache, bird literally small batch hashtag tote bag.

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no. 04


Retro austin yolo organic echo park. Vinyl portland, aesthetic squid deep blue trust fund. Hammock church-key occupy craft low carb. Cardigan sriracha diy raw denim tacos jean shorts mustache, bird literally small batch hashtag tote bag.

international travel

no. 05

Feldenkrais practitioner

functional integration practitioner

Local Health's Incredible:


initial & follow-up

$130 for a 60-minute visit


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