I am a trauma-informed, gender-inclusive Acupuncturist practicing in Vancouver, BC. I completed my diploma of Acupuncture at the Kootenay Columbia College of Integrative Health Sciences, in Nelson, BC. My own personal health journey led me to discovering Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and the many benefits it can provide. My practice has a focus on musculoskeletal pain, women's reproductive health, mental health, digestive health and facial rejuvenation. I aim to create a safe space by providing gentle, tailored treatment plans that are as unique as the individual receiving them, and empowering my patients to become active participants in their own healing journey.

Vanessa Claros
Registered Acupuncturist


My personal philosophy is rooted in the foundational theory of Yin and Yang principles. Balance. The entire Universal pattern is one of establishing balance and harmony. This perspective can help you more peacefully view the world and your role in it.
Just like Yin and Yang, we are constantly in a state of flux, and so is the world around us. We are constantly adapting to create harmony within ourselves and around us.  

Outside of the clinic Vanessa enjoys riding around on her bike, getting out of the city and into wilderness, going to concerts and local shows, dancing around her east van apartment and trying to become the next top chef in her tiny kitchen.

My Philosophy

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 2-8pm
Friday: 8:30am-3pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm

clinic schedule